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Fiction film directed and scripted for cinema.


Milczenie jest złotem. (Silence Is Golden)


 feature film 96 minutes, magic comedy, scripted, directed and produced, Python Studioss 2010


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Ewa Pytka

Fiction films directed for Polish Public Television

Operacja Reszka (The Tail Operation),


90 minutes, TVP1 2010, historical thriller by W. Kuligowski, 2010 Nominated for Prix Italia Torino 2010 (TV drama), shown on Eurovisione Rome; Special Jury Award on HISTORY MAKERS 2011 (in category the best historical drama production 2010) New York

Zima pod Stołem (Winter Under the Table), 84 minutes,1996, drama by R. Topor

Brzóska-Show , 13 x 30’,1994-95, comedy series, Polish Monty Python

O czym szumią kierpce. ( Episode: Bolek i Lolek ), series, 25 minute, 2000

Plebania (Presbytery) –  serial, 159 episodes x 23’, 2005 – 2010

Barwy szczęścia ( Colors of Happiness), series, 2 episodes x 26 minutes, 2010 


Film Productions Scripted & Directed, Broadcasted in Polish Public Television,


1994-2011 TVP documentaries (among others) :


Dotykanie Sacrum (Touching Sacrum), 40',1994, 

Biblia w malarstwie dawniej i dziś. (The Bible in Painting: Then and Today), 30', 1994,

Manuela Gretkowska – pisarka nieemigracyjna. (Manuela Gretkowska - A Not Emigration Writer), (Paris), 35',1994,

Natasza Goerke, czyli przesłuchanie emigranta. (NAtasza Goerke or Hearing of an Emigrant), (Hamburg) 34',1994,;

Izabela Filipiak  albo podwójna amnezja. (Izabela Filipiak or Double Amnesia) , 37’, (New York)1995;

Nagroda im. Daniela Chodowieckiego: niemiecko - polskie dialogi o sztuce.(Daniel Chodowiecki Prize:German-Polish Dialogues on Art),(Berlin),30'

Stanisław Rodziński - prawdzie naprzeciw. (Stanisław Rodziński - Face to the Truth) , 56',1995

Podróże Olgi T. ( Travels of Olga Tokarczuk), 36',1996,

Jacek Baczak - zaklinacz ciszy. (Jacek Baczak - Conjurer of Silence), 30',1996,

Krystyna Miłobędzka -wszystko jest dziecko. (Krystyna Miłobędzka - All is Child), 30',1996,

Gdańsk 997-1997, 15 x 3-5', impressions 1997, 

Auschwitz - zstąpienie do piekieł. (Auschwitz - The Descent into the Abyss), (Essen), 29',1997,

Czesława Miłosza historia literatury polskiej XX wieku. (Czesław Miłosz’s History of Polish Literature of 20th Century); 57', 1999

Dwa ołtarze. Dwie pielgrzymki. Polacy 87/99. (Two Altars - Two Pilgrimages. Poles ‘87 - ‘99); 57',1999

Jan Kott: teatr mojego wieku. ( Jan Kott: The Theatre of My Century), 57', 2000

Stefan Chwin - archeolog pamięci. ( Stefan Chwin – The Archaeologist of Memory); 58', 2000






















Autograph – 30’, artistic series, 2001

Jej portret. (Her portrait ) - docu series portraying Polish therapists, 16 x 25’, 2004-2006 



Fiction films directed for private TV POLSAT


Będziesz moja! (You will be mine!) – tv fiction serial, directed & formatted, 12 episodes x 22‘ 2006

Pierwsza miłość (First Love) – TV fiction series, 66 episodes x 30’, 2011



Docudrama directed for German Public Television ZDF & ARTE


Der Bernsteinwald. (Amberwood)  "Terra X" series; 43 min. (ZDF) / 54 min. (ARTE), 1999; 

docudrama, script Gudrun Ziegler, ( Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Estonia) 



Documentary broadcasted in PLANET  TV


Przełamując ciszę. Prawa kobiet w Europie Środkowo-Wschodniej. (Breaking The Silence. Women's Rights in Central and Eastern Europe)

(Poland, Lithuania, Slovakia, Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia), 58 minutes 2007



Scripted documentary series directed for private TV network TVN


Kocham. Enter. (Love - Enter), 4 episodes x 45 minutes, 2013



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